Many people do not realize that the time to prepare your home cooling system for the next season is when you are making preparations to shut it down after using it all summer long. As we approach the end of the summer, now is the time to service your air conditioner to ensure that the system is healthy and ready to go when you flip the switch next summer. Tri-County Air serves all of Dallas and the surrounding area. While they are making sure your system is ready to close for the winter, they can also checking the heating system to make sure it’s up to par as well.
Most people carry on with the belief that because their system is fully operational, with no problems during the current season, that they don’t need service. The opposite is actually true in most cases. You’ve used the cooling system all summer long – the filters are likely to be dirty, and even though the system is in great shape, it could be that it might need to be recharged. It’s best to leave nothing to chance, and Tri-County Air coming to your home and check your air conditioning system before you shut it down for the season makes sense. Having the system serviced now could actually save you a great deal of money in the end and you need to have the heating system checked before starting it up as well, so why not have both serviced at one time?.
There are a number of components that must be checked on your system, and finding out that there is a problem on the day you want to restart the system will likely cost your more money at the end of the day. These components include checking the air handler, evaporator, condenser, compressor, drains and everything else related, including filters.
The heating and cooling system in your home is a major component that needs to be serviced on a regular basis in order to keep it operating efficiently and properly. You should have the system checked each season before shutting down one and starting the other. When you hire the experts at Tri-County Air to service your system, you can rest assured that your system is going to continue operating efficiently and last a lot longer. Contact Tri-County Air for more information about the maintenance plans that they offer for both residential and commercial clients.