Replacing an old furnace? The choice of efficiency for a furnace is confusing. A class of furnaces has evolved called High-Efficiency. The potential reduction in utility costs makes it important to consider the high-efficiency furnace.
Higher Efficiency
The obvious difference is they are much more efficient. This means you get more useful heat for the same amount of natural gas.
The AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rates furnaces based on their efficiency. The higher the number (shown in percent), the more efficient. While the minimum AFUE is 80%, high-efficiency furnaces can achieve AFUEs of 95% or high. The AFUE rating serves as a way to compare between models of the same and different manufacturers.
The Design Difference
A furnace gets heat from combusting a fuel, like natural gas. Afterwards, it is necessary to exhaust the gasses. In traditional furnaces, the exhaust gasses must remain hot enough to prevent condensation into a liquid. This corrosive liquid can make holes in the flue and furnace which lead to toxic gasses leaking into your home. In the past, the high temperature of the exhaust (flue) gasses has been the big thorn in the side for manufacturers. At least 20% of the heat goes right out the flue.
The major design change of high-efficiency furnaces is an added heat exchanger section made of a corrosion resistance material like stainless steel. These furnaces are also called condensing furnaces because the exhaust gasses can condense without damage to the heating system. This makes it possible for most of the heat from combustion to heat your home.
Noticeable New Feature
The metal flue is gone. Because of the lower exhaust gas temperature, an inexpensive piping material like PVC is the choice for the flue. Routing is through an exterior wall instead of up through the roof. The danger of deadly carbon monoxide entering your home is greatly reduced.
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